The TechMed Centre and the WTC Twente organized the 2020 TechMed as an online event that spreads its sessions over the autumn of 2020 with several online pre-meetings. This online event includes sessions for the five areas of AI & Intelligent Imaging, Personalized eHealth, Health Robotics, Nano Bio Tech and Innovation meets Industry. On September 24th Dr. Serge Autexier from DFKI gave a presentation for the topic “Predictive Modelling: From Data Collection to Clinical Value” in Pre-session Monitoring and Smart Analysis for Personalised eHealth

The talk addressed to issue that ‘Use Machine Learning’ has become a appealing approach for personalized risk analytics or predictions in health care and related areas. Promoted by the impressive performance of ML-based techniques for disease diagnostics, very often in the domain of medical imaging, it is sensible to seek their application to further personalized analytics. During the talk, the recent and especially the ongoing research in ASCAPE was presented, providing an overview of the difficulties of using legacy patient data as well as prospectively collected data from multiple sources in order to train and use analytics models. Finally, it shed light on the challenge to obtain explanations from analytics models that are useful for the experts in the application domain of health.