On the 4th and 5th of May 2020, the first Plenary Meeting of the ASCAPE project took place virtually. The main objectives of the remote plenary meeting were to follow-up on the overall project progress, discuss the current plan, challenges and open issues per active work package and summarize the performed activities of the first four months of the project.
During the first day of the remote plenary, the work performed on the ASCAPE requirements, data structures, use cases and architecture specification was discussed on the form of an online workshop. In this workshop, the involved partners presented the work performed so far, discussed the open items and set the basis for the work that will be performed in the upcoming months. Following the workshop, the partners presented the outcomes of the work performed so far with regards to the data management and the ML/DL algorithms, as well as the evidence-based health and well-being monitoring tasks of the project. The day concluded with the formulation of the action items for the upcoming months of the project for all these tasks.
During the second day, the work performed with regards to the ethics requirements of the ASCAPE project was presented and the partners were engaged in fruitful discussions on this topic. The activities performed so far on the dissemination, exploitation and the legal monitoring were also presented and the consortium discussed and agreed on the next action items on these aspects. Finally, the coordination team of the project presented the activities related to the project management of the project. The second day concluded with an open discussion among the partners for the next steps of the project.